A Spiritual Journey for You To Experience Peace, Joy & Transform With Limitless Potential
A Spiritual Journey for You
To Experience Peace, Joy & Transform
With Limitless Potential

Welcome to

Spirit Venue Plymouth

Spirit Venue is a place of healing and learning. Since 2012, Spirit Venue has been a place for classes and experiences such as

Betty Sarmento Healer

Betty is certified as a Spiritual Healer by the First Spiritual Church of Onset. As a Spiritual Healer, Spirit channels healing through Betty into her client’s body. It is always for the best and highest good of the individual. She also works with other spiritual healers. They enjoy the opportunity to work together and to offer a venue of spiritual private or group sessions, workshops, and other events to lift spirits, heal and benefit the community.


What Is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual Healing occurs when an attuned healer accesses the Universal Energies which are those energies closest to Source. This is done through the practice of energy healing systems such as Reiki, ThetaHealing®, Shamballa Multidimensional Healing System and other well-known systems of healing. Betty Sarmento is attuned to all of them but is known as a Reiki Master Teacher. Reiki was developed in the early 1900’s by Mikao Usui and is a hands-on healing method. It is always practiced only for the client’s best and highest good. Reiki promotes self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and well-being on all levels.

Betty Sarmento Healer Services

Counseling Hypnotist

Hypnosis empowers you to make changes to your life that enrich you. You always have control and you make the choices for any suggestions I use during the session.

Divine Message Board Reader

The Board is another form of healing. I open a portal to connect directly with healing spirits like Archangel Michael or Archangel Raphael to ask for healing for you. You may also have questions that only Spirit can answer. I channel the information for you through the Board.

Psychic/Intuitive Medium

I connect with those in spirit who speak directly to me with messages of love, support and answers especially for you.

Angel Card Reader

The beautiful Angel cards are so much fun and always have answers for you. I usually use them in conjunction with my other offerings.

Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki is not massage, hypnosis or a tool for diagnosing illness. Reiki is a technique that addresses both chronic and acute conditions, gently and powerfully promoting balance among all the body’s systems & the regenerative processes of mind and body. I also teach Reiki. Contact me if you are called to heal others with this amazing healing technique.

Spiritual Counseling

I am an awesome, non-judgmental Listener and view my practice from a spiritual point of view. You have all the answers within you. My job is to help you find those answers.

Spiritual Healer

I am certified by the First Spiritualist Church of Onset. Spirit channels healing through me into your body always for your best and highest good.

Our Team

Betty Sarmento

Reiki Master Teacher, Counseling Hypnotist,  Spiritual Counseler, Medium and much more.

Jay Sarmento

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist

John Doonan

Master Energy Healer in many disciplines, Matrix Energetics Certified Healer, Hypnotist, NLP Master, Medium, Deep Trance Channel and more.

Upcoming Events

Seance with John Doonan on February 9th at 6:30 PM, $40.

So bring your questions and your curiosity and be prepared to be amazed!

Astrology Group with Jay Sarmento on February 18th at 1:00 PM, $50.

Email bettysarmentohealer@gmail.com to register for the event

Looking forward to meeting you and enjoying this experience!

Betty will be teaching all levels of Reiki in 2024. Please contact her if you are interested!


Client Testimonials